And now over 50, I was asked the other day, "don't you ever regret not having kids?" WTF, give me a break. The answer - no, never, not once. Although I guess I have missed the chance of being a "mommy blogger." There is nothing wrong with not wanting kids. Anyway, now that little rant is over, I love kids and kids love me! I'm good with kids. I play with them, I make them laugh, I tease them and don't baby them and we have fun! And then we part ways. Win win.
So when Jordan and Jason's 7th birthday came around (like clockwork, these birthday shenanigans), it was time to take them out on their annual birthday excursion. Last year it was Legoland, this year we headed to the movies. Not very original I know, (thinking cap on for something fabulous next year) but that's what happens when your birthday falls in the middle of winter. So off we went one cold wet Sunday to the Vjunior cinema to watch Hotel Transylvania 3.
Not just another cinema, Vjunior has a play area before you go into the actual cinema. Once inside, you can go on the slide (well the kids can, I tried pushing in and having a go, but was given dirty looks so *slunked to my seat). There is a play area under the screen and you can choose from normal seats or squishy bean bag style chairs - perfect for a little siesta if the movie is a bit dull. We chose the bean bags, but enjoyed the movie, so no siesta required. Yep even Drac and his monster family enjoy a bit of action and nooky on the high seas. Oh, and there is even an intermission so you don't have to leave the cinema midway through the movie with little Johnny holding his willy 'cos he needs to pee.
Lunch spot chosen by J&J - McDonald's - no judgement required. A stroll around to check out the dinosaurs that appear to have been let loose in Southlands and then home to hang out 'cos the weather was crap, so part 2 of the day was scrapped.
The boys have gone footy mad, so seemed happy enough to watch the game, eat popcorn and chase the chickens. For good measure, we gave them some red fizzy drink just before their mum and dad stopped by to collect them.
Everyone survived. No injuries. Exhausted but happy - and that was just me.
Yep, love kids. Especially other peoples. As for me, no regrets that my babies have been covered in fur and occasionally lick my face after cleaning their bum. Oh and I'm lucky and have the best of both worlds with two lovely step-kids that I get to play wicked step-mother to.
*slunked - this may or may not be a real word, but I'm going with it.
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